Captivating art that invites you in to explore a sense of place, a moment in time,

an inner landscape and an outer vision

Original art offers an alternative way of seeing and experiencing the world. 

It enlivens a space, encourages reflection and contemplation and can become an integral part of your home to live with and treasure for many years.


In my paintings I try to capture and interpret the essence of being in a particular place, a unique visual response to what surrounds me, the feelings they engender and the thoughts they evoke.

   Coastlines, shifting tides, light illuminating the surface of water, sand sculpted by wind and sea.

   Wide open spaces, the approach of inky storm clouds, the perfect, fleeting image of our skies.

   Travels to different environments, brighter hues, chance encounters and new discoveries.


Come and take a journey with me, let colour, line and texture transport you. . .


Life on the ocean waves

Read about my experience as an Artist in Residence on the cruise liner Borealis

Let's start a conversation   -   drop me a line at   -